Hi! My name is Theresa, and I am the owner and writer for The Big Blog of Beauty! I'm 36, and mom to one awesome 8 year old boy.
I am a cosmetologist by education (although I am not currently employed in the industry), and being a makeup artist is the only job I've ever wanted to have. Some of my earliest makeup memories are of religiously studying my aunt's Mary Kay catalogs when I was 8, so that I could know what they sold! Because that matters to second graders, right?
Struggling to find a job in the cosmetics industry like I've always dreamed of, I turned to the internet, and started this blog. I've learned a lot, and I like to think that I've taught my readers a thing or two as well.
I've always considered my knowledge of a line to be one of my specialties in the cosmetics and skin care field - if I am knowledgeable of your line, I can tell anyone who asks all about your line, the best colors and products, and what colors will work together.
It goes without saying of course, that I love all cosmetics. But I find myself consistently drawn to BB Creams, CC creams, bronzers and mascaras. As far as the skin care side goes, I don't think I've ever met an eye cream that I didn't want to try! At the start of the year, I was instructed to give up gluten by my doctor, so I've begun taking more of an interest in looking for gluten free cosmetics as well.
I am seeking to develop relationships with companies in the Cosmetics and Skin Care industries. Since beginning this blog, I have discovered that I have a great passion for helping people learn about cosmetics and skin care, and what cosmetics and skin care will work the best for them. If you are interested in adding someone who has a great passion for cosmetics to your team, then we could be a perfect match!
I am active across all Social Media platforms, and I'd love the opportunity to speak to you!
Theresa Mitchell

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