And one of the weirdest parts of the beauty spectrum, for his entertainment dollar, is waxing. He swears that there's absolutely no difference, he doesn't notice, he doesn't care, he doesn't know why it bothers me when my eyebrows are marching across my face.
I went this afternoon to get my eyebrows waxed. I actually go to the beauty school in town for this sort of thing. I have faith in the beauty school girls - they're so supervised, and so diligent, and careful, that there's no way they could screw it up. And the girl that waxed my brows this morning is so close to being done, that she's even got the look down. Her coat was tailored, she's got long black hair, styled without so much as a single strand out of place, positively flawless skin, and even a facial piercing, lest someone think she was just a little "too" buttoned up. She's ready to go!
Just for the laughs, I took a before and after:

The "Before". Somewhere along the line, my one brow decided that it was going to start growing straight up and down. Whatever. I don't know what that's about. Anyway, no brow pencil, no makeup of any kind. Just my mangy brows.
The "After". Slightly better lighting (it was later in the day, and all...), but again, no makeup, no brow pencil, no nothing.
Try to tell me that there's not a difference? Because there SO is...It looks cleaner, it opens the eye up. And besides, it makes me happy - and isn't that worth the money? I don't remember the girls name off hand, otherwise I'd recommend her by name. I'll just say - don't be afraid of the beauty school. The one in my town brings up VERY good estheticians, and very good (if a bit cautious) hair dressers. Their nail students are a bit hit and miss though, I've had some good and some not as good. :/
Am I the only one with a husband that just doesn't quite get the whole "beauty" thing? I can't be...right? RIGHT?! :D
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