We're Goin' Places!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

When last we were all together...

We learned that the good people at NYX Cosmetics have never met a pale person. But boy howdy, the staff at Rimmel sure has!

So I did a bit of a "second verse, same as the first" gig here. You'll see the NYX Stay Matte But Not Flat powder foundation, Enigmatic Illuminator, and Matte Bronzer in light. The ELF Brow Powder also makes it's debut appearance in the testing.

Here I am, washed, prepped and primed. I was recently part of a product test for a company I won't name, just to keep myself covered, and I used one of the face washes that I tested, the Olay Long Live Moisture! moisturizer from the last test, and L'Oreal Miracle Blur just like last time as well. And yes, I'll be waxing my brows in the morning. :D

I used the Rimmel Stay Matte mousse foundation, that everyone raves about. I used Light Ivory, which is their second lightest shade.

Is much better, yes? I initially was using my beauty blender, and couldn't get it blended down enough that I was happy - I've got weird flakiness in my t-zone that never goes away (serious, I'm freshly exfoliated, still look that flaky. It never leaves me!), and the beauty blender seemed to be drawing attention to it, rather than detracting from it. So I kicked it old school, got my foundation brush out, and smoothed it down as much as I could with that.

Then I added in the bronzer, powder, whole shebang, and got this; I messed this pic up a tiny bit, because I wanted to check my contouring work, so I turned to get a bit more of a straight on effect. It also gave me a little shadow. And I tried to brighten it up, but couldn't brighten without it looking overly fake. 

See, a little shadow-y. But also a considerably better match for my skin than the NYX was, I think we can all agree!

I've now had this foundation on about 5 hours, and I'm not yet confident in it's long term wear - I've got some settling in to the large pores around my nose. It's not visible unless you're looking really close up, which of course, no one but me would. But the problem remains.

I used Light Ivory, which is the second lightest foundation they make, and guys? If you are a pale girl...meet the good people at Rimmel. This is pale enough that there were times that it started to feel a little kabuki mask line. I really had to work with it, to get it where I was satisfied. This matches my neck and all, but in truth, I maybe even could have stood one darker.

So right now, I'm giving this a solid "probably". It's got full coverage - I don't think anything is showing through this stuff! It's matte, exactly like it advertises. It comes in a wide variety of shades, feels light going on, but really stands up to the test. The "long lasting" issue is the only one that's stopping me from fully, enthusiastically signing off on it. The settling in to the pores is giving me a little pause. But I'll keep testing, and let you know soon!

See you later, my lovelies!

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