We're Goin' Places!

Monday, June 2, 2014

More beauty tips from Pinterest!

This week, as much out of necessity as it was anything else, I tested another tip off Pinterest!

The last polish I had on my toes was the Rimmel "Red, Steady, Go!", and while that is in fact a gorgeous polish, taking it off was kind of a mess. Will I never learn to wear a base coat? It created such a mess, that it prompted my son to ask me if I'd been bleeding. :O

So the tip from Pinterest said to take whitening toothpaste, and a nail brush. Apply the toothpaste to the toe nails, and go to town. That sounds crazy to me, I'll sacrifice my toes to the cause!

Unfortunately, I didn't end up with a good enough before picture (I always take lots of pictures, so I've got choices, but none of them came out great...), but like I said. My seven year old asked me I were bleeding. So you can imagine.

The tools I used. Crest Complete toothpaste, available at any drug store the world over, and a nail brush, that might have cost me a dollar or two at the beauty supply.

In action! Apply the toothpaste to the toes, and scrub! And that's every bit as tough to hike your leg in to the sink and stand still enough to take a picture as you'd figure it'd be. But if I wasn't going to have bloody toes anymore, it was worth it!

After! No more bloody toes! Hooray! Another swipe at them with some nail polish remover, and I was ready to go for a new pedi!

We all know Pinterest is a little hit and miss, information wise. Sometimes, it's solid, sometimes, not as much. So I've been pleasantly surprised to find out I've gotten two good tips in a row so far! :)

I'll keep looking for interesting tips and tricks - these have been as surprising to try out as they have been successful, so far - and you keep looking beautiful!

See you next time!

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