We're Goin' Places!

Monday, July 28, 2014


I'm doing a little makeup bag spring cleaning this week - it's a little challenging to convince your husband you need new makeup when even he can see the makeup bag so full it won't close on the bathroom counter - so I decided I'd do a few quick, mini reviews of the products I was cleaning out, just to give them a little sayonara on the way out the door!

With that said...I have a beauty confession to make.

I have a long standing love/hate relationship with Revlon Colorstay eyeshadow. I'll go bonkers for it, and buy up a bunch of it, that I use happily. And then after a while, I come back to my senses, and go "You know, I don't think I like this that much..." and get rid of it. It is a cycle I've repeated...well, pretty much since Colorstay eyeshadow has been a thing.

I'm in the "come back to my senses" part of the cycle, but before I give them their big send off, I thought I'd talk a little about them first. Each color that you're seeing was applied over Wet N Wild Fergie eyeshadow primer.

Victim number one:

Meet "Inspired". This one is pretty kicky - white, aqua, lime and a deep purple. This is a color combination I like, and one I'd almost be enticed to keep, if it weren't for one problem - the massive, massive amounts of fall out from the lime. I had that lime eyeshadow everywhere. My lashes were lime, my under eye was lime, everything turned lime over that eyeshadow.

Although, in fairness to this particular quad - it does have more color payoff than the other two that we're about to meet, and had a nice little shimmer to it, which makes it feel kind of kicky and fun. This one is the closest I've come to sticking with a Revlon eyeshadow in probably a while!

Batter up, victim number two!

This is "Attitude". This is a nice, neutral, mellow palate. Pink, a light brown with a slight shimmer, a matte medium brown, and a matte darker brown. Nice, goes with everything.

My problem with this one is that without primer, there isn't a ton of color payoff. I'm a fan of the high contrast, I like to see a lot of color payoff, and I just don't get it here. I don't have a particular beef - the formula is nice, goes on smooth and velvety soft. I just don't get the amount of color I want.

And just for bonus points;

Victim number three!

This one is Mary Kay eyesicles cream eyecolor in Vanilla. This is a product that sort of rotates in and out of the line up for Mary Kay - it's currently out - and isn't all that satisfying to me. It's a nice eye brightener, and it'd probably make an excellent primer (honest, I've never tried, so don't hold me to that). But if you want to talk about color payoff - there's virtually none here - and I was noticing creases in about a half hour. No thanks, Mary Kay!

So, thanks for indulging a little bit of my makeup bag clean out! It's a little closer to closing now! :D
,br> See you later, lovelies!

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